When you go for every sound improvement, more detail, more spaciousness, quieter background, better placement of instruments, etc. And yet you still keep missing the umami with streaming. Instruments sound flat, no body with weight, the sound remains harsh, the stage does not go far enough beyond your speakers, the space is not realistic, the sound sticks to your speakers, digital artifacts… Then you suddenly get stuck. Would this be the max for streaming?
With the high end DFL Silver Soul audio network lan cable, everything will change in the base, it takes some transition to your ears because we are conditioned, but then you realize that this is a new sound experience. Perhaps your best investment ever. You are in the class of high-end turntable players. You can look around the instruments, the walls disappear into space, instruments sound realistic and powerful, you enjoy every song again and again without ever getting tired. And all those sound improvements you invested before, they are still there but now everything falls into place.
The DFL Silver Soul lan cable is not a standard specification ‘data’ lan cable. Most audio LAN cables are made of high-quality copper and sometimes with a silver-plated layer. The most expensive lan cables walk the road with pure silver wire. The very highest data speeds are guaranteed. And the more shielding the better it was….
Technically this is all correct to build a reliable standard ‘data cable’. But how soundproof is this for audio? Although it is a data cable, it should also produce fantastic music. To also comply to audiophile standards, you have to go out of the box. And that’s exactly how DFL achieved to go beyond industrial boundaries and created this high purity silver audiophile lan cable. It won’t disappoint you.
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